Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Humor is man's greatest blessing. - Mark Twain

As in anything in life, levity makes our personal journey that much better.  Science has proved that “Laughter is the best medicine.”  Laughter reduces stress, pain and conflict while strengthening social bonds, ( according to Scientific American Mind).

Aging is a process.  How you feel about yourself affects how you experience your life’s journey.  How you feel about yourself also affects others.  Vast studies have been made confirming the connection between health, healing, positive thinking, and laughter.  From the laboratories at major universities to ancient wisdom and new thought thinkers, such as Ernest Holmes who created Religious Science, what you think is as important, (and in some cases more important), than what you do!

Is your glass half full or half empty?  How do you really perceive your world and those around you?

Isn’t there enough pressure in our world without adding more to it?  It seems to me that relishing in the moment, rejoicing in accomplishments, and viewing as much as possible with a humorous slant, can brighten the day. (I’ll certainly welcome a bouquet of happiness with open arms!  Won’t you?)

I know someone who turns her frowns upside down as soon as she catches herself feeling down.  She told me that as soon as she does that and forces a smile, that smile soon softens and becomes natural, her thoughts smooth over and her heart lightens.  And when she can laugh about it – just like that - everything that wasn’t “right” suddenly dissipates.   

We all encounter people who are funny.  If you over hear a comment that tickles your funny bone, remember and use it.  Then start to build on what you’ve learned. 

If you’ve never been the sharpest comic in the room, not to worry.  Believe-it-or-not, there’s a group just for you: "The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor."  Of course you can read quotes from such great humorists as Mark Twain or watch classic comedies, (I Love Lucy, Burns and Allen, etc.) on DVD, on-line, (YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, etc.), cable and Television.  Search for the top sitcoms in the U.S., in Britain and elsewhere.  (Check out your local library’s video section and find out what’s available for free.)  You can also attend theatre shows and join comedy workshops to up your humor.


Additional Reading:
Danny Murphy, Humor 101
Norman Cousins, Head First
Norman Cousins, Anatomy of an Illness
